Casual with Ryan Proctor
I live in Whistler, BC. I started this podcast with no agenda. I like to talk to people, I like to laugh, I like to not take things too seriously and I am trying to become a better listener. These conversations are casual. If you dig it, a LIKE or a SHARE would be sweet.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Casual with Ryan Proctor Featuring My Bro, Proctor #34
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
This is EP #34 and my bro, Kent or Proctor as I call him. It just makes sense. I hope we make this more of a regular thing, because no matter how long we've been brothers for, it is always great to talk shit with my big bro. We talk about distancing, parenting, comedy and um.... I can't remember. If you care to listen, cool. If not, I'll tell my big brother and he'll come looking for you!
Thank for hitting me up to chat again, Proctor. Luv ya, bro!
If you wanna watch a grainy skype video click the link below.
Or you can find me on iTunes and Spotify

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Andrew Freedman is the Cannabis Sommelier who is also a Sommelier in the original sense, so he knows a lot about wine and grass. We met about a year ago through contacts in the weed scene. I had the chance to experience a couple of Andrews events, most recently when I attended his "Elevated Dinning Experience" back in early February in Toronto. It was a great experience. This is the second social isolation podcast and second remote podcast. We have a great chat about cannabis, wine, music and hip hop, COVID 19 and a few other topics you can find about by listening this epic FaceTime chat. Thanks for taking the time, Andrew!
Want to watch YouTube:
How to find Andrew?
Instagram: @TheCannabissomm Youtube: The Cannabis Sommelier Site:
To listen to the podcast hit up these links: iTunes: Spotify:

Friday Mar 06, 2020
Casual with Ryan Proctor Featuring Josh Mitchell #31
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
This is Josh Mitchell and EP #32. He works as an Alaskan fishermen working out of Prince William Sound who shares his time been that and working in Antarctica on Research Vessels. We’ll have been friends for like a week by the time this EP goes live. We met while he was visiting Tony Richardson ( my friend and guest who holds the current record for most viewed EP) Anyway, like I said earlier, Josh currently works a portion of the year on research vessels in Antarctica where he produces, films and supports scientists who study whales, salmon and other important things our planet is home to. We talk about his earlier years on Alaskan fishing boats, how he got on to research vessels, the evidence of a suffering earth that he has witnessed first hand over the years, and what it’s like to track and record sea life in peril. This guy has some great stories to share and is doing important things to help us all understand how we are impacting our environment and planet. We had some beers, but it was a sobering talk. Thanks for chatting with me, Josh! And thank you for the work you do, we all appreciate it!
You want to listen other ways or watch this on youtube see below
If you want to follow Josh on instagram @Feral_FishermanWatch his film work here:

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Casual with Ryan Proctor Featuring Josh Hill #30
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
This is my buddy Josh Hill. We met while working for lululemon a few years ago. Josh lives just down the street from me with a wolf in an apt above a bakery. Anyway, he works in the construction biz for a company that does restoration if your home floods or gets F'd up for some other reason. He is chatty AF and is a good dude. We talk about cops, tickets, his work, aliens, insurance and the brutal potholes in Whistler as well as a bunch of other stuff that might make you laugh or click the X and move on from youtube. Hopefully you enjoy our chat about the everyday. Thank for listening. Oh, and he does funny instagram sing-along videos in his car. Despite my reassuring confidence at the start I don't actually hit record on the audio until about 45 mins in. I fixed it as best I could so you can hear the whole show. Thanks for coming by, Josh! Find him at @Joshuv_ if you want to.
If you want to watch in youtube check it out here:
or find me on iTunes and Spotify at Casual with Ryan Proctor.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
Casual with Ryan Proctor featuring Guy Fattal #29
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
This is EP #29 and my guest is Guy Fattal, an award winning whistler based action sports photographer. Guy grew up in Israel and after 3 years in the military (a mandatory thing there) Guy hit the road with his camera in hand. Eventually ending up in Whistler after winning a photo contest in Italy which included a trip to Whistler and a wild card spot in Whistler's Deep Winter Photo Challenge (An event that helped launch many impressive photo careers, but has since been squashed by WB because it is washed)
We talk about Guys career path, growing up in Israel, his military experience and how it gave him focus and taught him dedication. We chat photography contests, his recent interest in long distance trail running and a bunch more. Guy brought over and brewed up some fancy coffee he brought over from his favourite coffee shop in Jerusalem. So dam good! Thanks for the chat, Guy!
Guy's instagram: @guyfattalphotographry

Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Casual with Ryan Proctor featuring Catherine Mazza of WAG #28
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
EP #28 and I had a great chat with Catherine Mazza the Assistant Manager at WAG (Whistler Animals Galore) here in Whistler. I have been thinking of getting a dog and figured it would be good to talk to an expert on adoption and living with a pet in Whistler. I think we cover most of it: what WAG is, what WAG does, how it operates and how the adoption process works as well as how we can support WAG so they can continue to help dogs and cats find good homes in the Sea to Sky. Thanks for the chat, Catherine!
If you want to help WAG hit them up here:https://www.whistlerwag.comorInstagram: @WhistlerWAG
If you prefer to watch on YouTube or listen another way, you can do that here:Spotify:

Friday Oct 04, 2019
Casual with Ryan Proctor featuring Rocketmen Jesse and Craig #27
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
EP #27 with the Certified Rocket Men, Jesse Millen and Craig Gouweloos. No surprise this one is about snowboarding, but we also talk movies, conversation etiquette, social media, phone books, driving ski boots, more snowboarding, good/bad memes and bail humour culture, etc... We almost made it to see the Joker, but then didn't. The first Casual live stream on Instagram took place which as pretty neat, but we kind of forgot it was happening. Good chat boys and thanks for helping with the studio build and teardown.
You can find these two on instagram here:@CraigGouweloos @Jesse_Millen or @CertifiedRocketMen
#Casual #Proctor #CertifiedRocketMen #ShredBots #Podcast #TalkShow

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Casual with Ryan Proctor featuring Kevin Winter #26
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
EP #26 and this is Kevin Winter, Founder of Coast Mountain Brewing in Whistler, BC. I see him on a semi regular basis and think the beer he and his team create is pretty darn good. I sat down with Kevin in Coast Mountain's Tap House in Function Junction, just south of Whistler and we talk about how to make great beer, his business, his history in beer making and probably more beer stuff. It's 9am in the morning so as responsible adults we don't drink any of the beer we are talking about. If you like beer and want some insight into what goes into the process and how Coast Mountain came to be then this should do the trick. If you flip to youtube to watch, you might notice the light getting all blown out during the last 12 mins of the podcast. Oops. Thanks for the chat Kevin. Cheers!
If you would rather watch the youtube version...

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Casual with Ryan Proctor featuring Sarah Leishman #25
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
This is my good friend Sarah Leishman and this is EP #25, the Silver Anniversary, in podcast years anyway. We met a few years ago and have been making fun of a lot of things since day one. Sarah has worn many hats, probably literally and in terms of her career from snowboard coach, to Ski Patrol, professional EWS mountain biker and now her "office career" as a professional marketer for some pretty cool brands. We talk about a bunch of stuff including careers, being a pro athlete and dealing with mental and physical challenges, balancing life/career, travel, and how stuffy and weird "schmoozey" events can be. We talk about Mid-Packers and how funny that is. We also get distracted by Gord, Sarah's black lab who likes to mingle. Thanks for letting me into your Kitchen, Sarah! You can find Sarah on instagram here: @Leishner
Google Play: search it

Friday Jul 26, 2019
Casual with Ryan Proctor featuring Dr. Kaylee #24
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
This is Dr. Kaylee and this is EP #24. Dr. Kaylee is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine who focuses on nutrition, prolotherapy, PRP, medical aesthetics and IV nutrients.(*Fact check: At 1hr 12 mins in I ask about Crohn's disease which is very similar to Colitis and can be mistakenly diagnosed as one or the other as Kaylee explains to me after the show.) We talk about general health, basic nutrition including the various diets(Paleo Keto, etc..) and how dietary needs are different from person to person, the Canadian Nutrition Guide, cleanses and how stress and sleep affect your wellbeing. We talk about food allergies and how food can affect auto-immune system, allergy tests and elimination diets to discover food sensitivities, IV therapy and bunch of other stuff. This is a great nutrition 101 convo. Also MSM stands for Methylsulfonylmethane in case you are wondering.
Thanks for all the listens and views. Feel free to subscribe here or Youtube so you get first alerts when EP's go live.
You can find Dr. Kaylee here:@dr.kayleedriedger.ndandThe IV Health Centre in Vancouver@theivhealthcentre
Youtube link: